Sportcopter II

SCII Performance Specifications
Min. Speed: 10-20mph
Cruise Speed: 100 mph
Top Speed: 120 mph
Rate of Climb: 1000 fpm
Takeoff Distance: 50-200 feet
Landing Distance: 0-20 feet
Service Ceiling: 18,000 feet
Range at Cruise: 300 sm
SCII Specifications
Empty Weight: 1000 lbs.
Useful Load: 500-600 lbs.
Gross Weight: 1700 lbs.
Cabin Width: 49″
Aircraft Width: 81″
Height: 10′
Length: 15.5′
Rotor Diameter: 31′
Engine: Lycoming IO 360 (230HP)
Fuel: 100LL AV Gas
Fuel Consumption: 8-10 GPH
Fuel capacity: 27 Gallons
Operating Cost: $64.52/hr.
(subject to change)
This decision was made after a year of testing with several configurations. Also the cruciform tail seemed to “hunt” at high speeds and this needed to be changed. We are very pleased with the new tail design as it far outperformed the cruciform design and has fixed the stability issues for both pitch and yaw. The horizontal stabilizer has a slightly larger surface than before, and because it is out in cleaner airflow it is not starved during quickly reduced power settings.
Sportcopter II: Superior by Design
The New “SPORTCOPTER II” (SCII) has features like no other two-place on the market today! It has a roomier cabin (49″ interior width) for better cockpit management not only adding comfort to its occupants but also giving a very generous cargo room behind the seats. The cabin is equipped with forced air ventilation and heat. The handsomely designed instrument panel is efficient and also compact. The fully glassed pod allows all wiring to be neatly tucked, out of the way, for complete protection. This panel can be as sophisticated as you would like including (EFIS) glass cockpit instrumentation. The cabin and engine of the SCII are completely enclosed. This gives the SCII added propeller efficiency, all weather capability, and effective protection of vital components. The Lycoming I0360 (230 hp) air cooled engine provides incredible power which enhances performance especially in hot climates. Due to the SCII higher gross weight and the need for very rough-field capability, an incredible suspension system was selected for the main gear, furnishing maximum vertical undercarriage travel for absorbing extreme impact on landings. This system is also designed for slow speed, drop-in landings. The SCII is equipped with an improved version of our original unique caster nosewheel configuration which is found in other Sport Copter models. So in case you were to land in a cross configuration, touching down sideways, this self-tracking nosewheel will help prevent any type of roll over.
A new Sport Copter feature you will see on this design is a very powerful prerotator system which will render incredibly short take-offs! The triple vertical stabilizer/rudder system provides stability in slow flight maneuvering and high-speed cruise, minimizing pilot workload. This superior system is less sensitive in-flight giving more stability and better handling. Due to the fact that this aircraft will have a higher cruise speed, a proper center of pressure was applied to this design. A version of the SCII will conform to the new LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) .
“The SCII flies steady on the stick, offers a quiet ride and gives complete comfort while racing along. Visibility moves from every angle as you get a bird’s eye view, while effortlessly moving the stick through maneuvers. A steady rotor system, roomy cabin and easy handling with sturdy suspension make landing a breeze is just some of the selling points. The breath taking body design and sleek appearance will be just a perk! When coming in for a landing you can literally “drop” in from as high as 15 feet and the beefy suspension grabs and glides the occupants to a perfect touch down landing….making any landing look flawless.
“Sport Copter, Inc. has long been known as the leading force in gyroplane design and currently there are no other cross country gyroplanes that will compare to the quality and performance of the SPORTCOPTER II!” (quote from a gyro pilot’s first flight in the SCII…March 2008).
What we offer
1) The “QUICK BUILD” HIGH PERFORMANCE KIT: As soon as we open kit production we will be offering a pre-fabricated one piece cabin, so that no gluing is required to assemble the kit.
2) The “LAW ENFORCEMENT” SCII: For governmental and law enforcement agencies. Additional options are available for other applications.
3) The “LSA VERSION”: This kit will come with the Rotax 914 and will be a slightly smaller version of the SCII model.
The SPORTCOPTER II made its first flight on 09/11/07 and we have been continuing to put it through the paces of “pushing the envelope” type maneuvers, further testing the performance of its capabilities. During the last two years of testing we made the decision to go with a more reliable, higher horsepower aircraft engine and changed the tail design for better performance.
Currently we have improved the SCII to reach its maximum performance and have everything necessary to produce kits. If you are interested in reserving a serial number for this aircraft please contact us and we will put you on our list. Please watch for updates on this design!
If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call 503-543-7000, and we will be glad to answer them!